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License No : RBCO007510
Privacy Policy
Authorization for the Processing of Personal Data

By filling in the data in the registration form and in the various personal data collection formats on this website, I voluntarily, informed prior, explicitly and unequivocally authorize JMR HOME identified with EIN 81-3301410 acting as responsible of the processing of personal data, to process my personal data in each of the internal areas of JMR HOME to collect, update, process, store, use, circulate and delete the information and also be able to fulfill the purposes described below:

  1. For the execution of activities of the ordinary course of business of JMR HOME.
  2. For commercial and marketing prospecting activities in which JMR HOME may send messages for commercial, advertising and / or customer service purposes.
  3. For the processing and analysis of data by JMR HOME.
  4. To control logical access (access to company networks, files, applications) and physical access to the JMR HOME facilities.

Under no circumstances will JMR HOME sell or share the information provided by its clients for third-party commercial purposes. The company will not proceed to sell, license, transmit or disclose personal information, unless: i) there is authorization to do so; ii) is necessary to allow contractors or agents to provide the services entrusted; iii) that is required or permitted by law.

JMR HOME informs that this document does not require sensitive or underage data.

For more information on the processing of your personal data, please consult the Information Processing Policy at

We remind you that, as the Holder of personal data, you have the right to authorize, revoke your authorization, know, update, rectify and delete your personal data from the JMR HOME databases, communicating via e-mail to the address [email protected] or at (678) 760-9965 or in our business center 1880 West Oak Parkway, Suite 104 Marietta GA 30062, through the procedures created by JMR HOME for these purposes and which are indicated in the Information Treatment Policy.

Likewise, you have the right to refuse to provide information when requested data classified by current regulations as sensitive or that of children and / or adolescents. Finally, the data of children and / or adolescents will be processed in accordance with the requirements of the applicable law and jurisprudence. If you agree that JMR HOME treats your personal data for the purposes reported, we appreciate that you express your authorization.

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